wilayah kuyavian-pomeranian bahasa Inggris
- wilayah: borough; district; terr.; territorial; territory;
- wilayah: borough; district; terr.; territorial; territory; ty.; territories; wilayah; domain; commune; state; territorial dominion; direction; side; zone; regional; place; orbit; sphere; county; land; area;
- peta wilayah-wilayah romania: romanian counties map
- wilayah-wilayah amerika syarikat: territories of the united states
- wilayah-wilayah ceko: czech lands
- wilayah-wilayah di korea: provinces of korea
- abra (wilayah): abra (province)
- agadez (wilayah): agadez region
- annam (wilayah): annan (tang protectorate)
- antique (wilayah): antique (province)
- aragua (wilayah): aragua
- aurora (wilayah): aurora (province)
- barinas (wilayah): barinas (state)
- batas wilayah: land boundary
- bohol (wilayah): bohol